Violent comic book doesn't meet Apple's standards
Apple recently took an axe to Murderdrome, an electronic comic book in its App Store that the company deemed too violent.Murderdrome, created by the United Kingdom-based Infuriouscomics, had been created especially for the iPhone. Apple turned down Infuriouscomics' application to put the comic in the App Store."This is due to the part of the SDK that suggests content must not offend anyone in 'Apple's reasonable' opinion," a post on the Infurious blog read. "Here at Infurious, we would love to work with Apple to ensure a content-rating system can be put in place to allow material that is no more offensive than many of the R-rated films available to download on iTunes."The first installment of Murderdrome is an eight-panel comic that shows one character slicing another's head with a machete, and cleaving another's with a sword, as part of a sport called "murderdrome." The violence is comic, but still bloody.Artist P.J. Holden told TechRadar UK that while he plans to advocate for the creation of a ratings system for the App Store, right now, he also plans to draw more comics that will be more "Apple-friendly."